To give and receive love, you first need to unconditionally accept and love yourself. Are you ready to do that? Love that is not based on respect, intimacy and trust in oneself is always only a poor substitute of real, authentic quality. This kind of love always leads to disappointment, appropriation or making your sense of happiness dependent on the presence of another person. Choose differently!!!
Regardless of whether you want to work on the relationship with yourself or a partner relationship, all the answers are within you.
All roads lead to the same HOME - TO THE INSIDE OF YOU. During the workshop you will learn to love all that you are and how you are. You will look at yourself with new eyes - instead of judgment and expectations, you will fill them with love and understanding. Perhaps you have never been shown what it means to truly love and accept yourself, or maybe you just want to take this journey to a deeper level. I invite you to a unique TRANSFORMATION, where you will meet your Soul on a deep, intimate level.
How will we work? Loving yourself is the most beautiful ritual you can give yourself.
You are a Goddess, and every part of your Being deserves to be seen and appreciated. From your Inner Child to your Ego. The mission is to love not only your light but also your shadow. When you love and accept yourself fully first, then you can offer love and freedom at the same time. Only by being the giver and receiver of such love can you truly flourish. The greatest teacher of these qualities is the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, and she will be our guide during this meeting. Gentle, loving Aphrodite teaches us how to choose the most beautiful things in life with self-love. Awaken the Aphrodite within you and experience the quality of building healthy, loving relationships while staying true to your heart.
What will you experience? Forgive yourself and love yourself truly!
For 3 full days of workshop in my magical space in Dybki near Ostrow Mazowiecka, you will awaken the divine POWER of APHRODITE in an intimate, feminine group.
Sample schedule (hours subject to change)
Friday 14:00-14:30 I arrival and accommodation | 15:00-18:00 I workshop module
Saturday 10:00-13:30 II workshop module | 13:30-15:00 lunch break | 15:00-18:00 III workshop module
Sunday 10:00-13:00 IV workshop module | 13:00-14:30 lunch break | 14:30-16:30 V workshop module